CircSyst - Circular Systemic Solutions
The CircSyst project is focused on the development and demonstration of a range of novel Circular Systemic Solutions (CircSyst Solutions or CSS), that increase sustainability by applying innovative holistic circular models at local and regional scales.
CircSyst aims to bridge the gaps in knowledge, information, skills, and awareness by creating industrial symbiosis (creating raw materials from an industrial process and using them for another) and fostering cross-sectoral and cross-border replication.
To contribute to catalyzing the transition towards a sustainable, circular economCircSyst, presents a series of shared Demonstration Experiences of new technological and societal adaptations to a Circular Economy involving 8 European regions: Valencia (SP), Maribor (SI), Flanders (BE), Gotland (SW), Paijat-Hame-Lahti (FI), Castila la Mancha (SP), Central Macedonia (EL), and Central and East
Hungary (HU).
The project focuses on three of the priority value chains of the Circular Economy Plan: Water Management, Biowaste, and Plastics and Packaging, as well as in the potential synergies among them.
4 Demonstrators are proposed developing and validating solutions for Water Management:
Reuse of industrial treated wastewater through on-demand treatment.
Agricultural industry and utilities uses for reclaimed urban water.
Smart wastewater management as a structural solution to water scarcity and floods in urban contexts.
Validation of a set of integrated tools and methodologies for smart management of water symbiosis.
In the Biowaste field the project will implement 2 Demonstrators dealing with waste from different sources and extracting valuable substances directly applicable in the other addressed value chains:
In the Plastics and Packaging field, the project tackles main aspects of plastic waste management, including eco-design, cost-effective segregation, and recyclability:
Mechanical recycling of mPET;
Consumers engagement in plastics segregation;
Food Packaging value chain redesign towards the substitution of plastics Work Packages on Communication & Dissemination, Knowledge Transfer, and Results Exploitation and Impact, are designed to ensure that the results adequately reach key stakeholders in governments, private organizations, and civil society with the cooperation of the CCRI Coordination and Support Office.
Project budget: 11 mEUR
Feel free to contact our colleagues regarding the project!
Csaba Novak dr.
Phone: +36 1 312 22 13
Eszter Balogh-Tanka
+36 70 676 2215