
Transnational Action to advance SKills and competences FOR Inclusive entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

Entrepreneurship in Central Europe is characterised by limited inclusiveness. Women, immigrants and young people are still under-represented when it comes to starting a business. TASK4ISI will tap into the potential of these groups of entrepreneurs by creating "Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Centres". Transnational cooperation is in the center of this issue, as it promotes local knowledge transfer and transnational learning and demonstrates the feasibility of change to policy makers

The TASK4ISI project brings together a partnership of 11 partners and 6 associate partners to work together to increase the competences, skills and innovation capacity of 200 underrepresented entrepreneurs, to promote territorial inclusive and social innovation and to boost regional competitiveness.
Partners will develop and test concrete learning programmes and strategies for sustainable and inclusive growth in Central European regions. In their pilot projects, partners will train 200 under-represented entrepreneurs and develop five adaptable toolkits to harness inclusive entrepreneurship skills.
MGFÜ’s main role in this project is within the ISIHUB activity: it is a development programme tailor made for the entrepreneur’s own need. These actors are usually in an underprivileged position. With this step partners from this project will directly help them with their specific needs and goals in order to get a step ahead in the business world. 

TASK4ISI is setting up local Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Hubs (ISI HUBs) to harness the potential of collaboration in a transnational network of 108 members.

Together, the partnership will develop a framework of learning opportunities and support services for start-up entrepreneurs, which will be piloted and validated in 5 implementing regions.

Based on the pilot experiences, 5 toolkits on inclusive entrepreneurship will be defined, a common strategic agenda and 5 local action plan packages will be published.

The TASK4ISI project team is working to ensure that after 30 months the skills acquired will be retained by project participants, increasing the competitiveness of the regions concerned through services tailored to social innovation and policy learning capacities.

Project budget: 2,06 mEUR

Project website: https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/task4isi/ 

The project is being implemented through the Central Transnational Programme with the support of the European Regional Development Fund, co-financed by the European Union and the Government of Hungary.

Please contact us for more information about the project!

Bence Janek
Project manager
Phone number: +36 1 312 22 13
Email: janek.bence@mgfu.hu


1st newsletter - december 2024
The contribution of TASK4ISI to the pillars of the Hungarian economy - february 2025
The contribution of MGFÜ for the TASK4ISI project - march 2025

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project manager
Tel: +3613122213
Email: janek.bence@mgfu.hu
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Email: schweitzer.lili@mgfu.hu
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International Project manager
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Email: balogh-tanka.eszter@mgfu.hu
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Janek Bence
project manager
Tel: +3613122213
Email: janek.bence@mgfu.hu
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Participant:Small and medium-sized enterprises
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Email: schiffer.oliver@mgfu.hu
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International Project Officer
Tel: +36305528733
Email: schiffer.oliver@mgfu.hu
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International Relations
Transnational Action to advance SKills and competences FOR Inclusive entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Entrepreneurship in Central Europe is characterised by limited inclusiveness. Women, immigrants and young people are still under-represented when ...
Janek Bence
project manager
Tel: +3613122213
Email: janek.bence@mgfu.hu
Date of Project End:October 31, 2026
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