
Enhancing social enterprises competitiveness through improved business support policies

Enhancing social enterprises competitiveness through improved business support policies

Over 54 months, 7 partners from Spain, Hungary, Ireland, France, Italy, Sweden and Austria supported under the INTERREG EUROPE Programme in the frame of RaiSE partnership with the joint mission of enhancing regional social entrepreneurship (SE) support policies to foster competitiveness, facilitating access to markets as well as finance and innovation.

By the end of the project, RaiSE partners will provide 3,500,000 EUR from Growth and Jobs or ETC funding implementing new initiatives to support of the effectiveness of the policy instruments addressed.

Within the project, IFKA Public Benefit Non Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry will improve the Hungarian policy instrument “Improved access of enterprises – including social enterprises working for society – to external funding, which realize investments that stimulate employment” under EDIOP Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme. IFKA Public Benefit Non Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry will investigate mainstream business acceleration practices through combined and/or hybrid financial product tailored to boost the SE landscape.

International Relations
FFWD Fast Forward Europe is an initiative supported under the INTERREG EUROPE Programme that is designed to ensure competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (abbreviated as SMEs).
Date of Project End:December 31, 2020
Participant:Small and medium-sized enterprises
International Relations
The CIREVALC project aims to introduce and disseminate circular economy models in regional value chains, mainly concentrated in the food, catering and packaging sectors. Our project aims to increase the use of circular economy models in the operation ...
Balogh-Tanka Eszter
International Project manager
Tel: +36706762215
Email: balogh-tanka.eszter@mgfu.hu
Date of Project End:February 28, 2026
Participant:Small and medium-sized enterprises
International Relations
Greene 4.0
Smart and green innovation approaches for scaling up digital transformation opportunities in CE The manufacturing industry in central Europe is challenged by change. Global supply chains are increasingly disrupted and the green transition demands more ...
Schiffer Olivér
International Project Officer
Tel: +36305528733
Email: schiffer.oliver@mgfu.hu
Date of Project End:February 28, 2026
International Relations
The WE.CIRCULAR project aims to provide professional support and present good practices of women entrepreneurs, who apply the circular economy model approach in their daily organizational operations. Our project also helps to promote, provide training ...
Janek Bence
project manager
Tel: +3613122213
Email: janek.bence@mgfu.hu
Date of Project End:June 30, 2026
Participant:Small and medium-sized enterprises
International Relations
The textile industry is one of the three most polluting industries. A largely small and medium-sized enterprise sector lacks the knowledge and expertise to change and move to a circular economy. However, everyone - producers and consumers alike - must ...
Balogh-Tanka Eszter
International Project manager
Tel: +36706762215
Email: balogh-tanka.eszter@mgfu.hu
Date of Project End:June 30, 2026
Participant:Small and medium-sized enterprises
International Relations
A vidéki területek intelligens fejlesztése („smart development”) kulcsfontosságú Európa jövője szempontjából: a digitalizáció, valamint az információs és kommunikációs technológiában rejlő lehetőségek feltárása kiemelten fontos tényezők ahhoz, hogy a ...
Schiffer Olivér
International Project Officer
Tel: +36305528733
Email: schiffer.oliver@mgfu.hu
Date of Project End:June 30, 2028
International Relations
Circular Innovation Hub
The CI-HUB aims to improve the innovation potential of less innovative regions, regions with low innovation performance and weak innovation infrastructure, and largely non-urban industrial regions. The project aims to support circular transitions in the ...
Schweitzer Lili
International Project Officer
Tel: +36704762643
Email: schweitzer.lili@mgfu.hu
Date of Project End:June 30, 2026
Participant:Small and medium-sized enterprises
International Relations
The PROCAREFUL project is co-financed by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program and the European Regional Development Fund. The lead partner of the project is I.S.R.A.A. from Italy, which implements the project in cooperation with partners from 8 Member ...
Janek Bence
project manager
Tel: +3613122213
Email: janek.bence@mgfu.hu
Date of Project End:February 28, 2026
Participant:Small and medium-sized enterprises
International Relations
Enhancing social enterprises competitiveness through improved business support policies
Mészáros Anna
Tel: +3613122213
Email: meszaros.anna@ifka.hu
Date of Project End:August 31, 2022
Participant:Improved access of enterprises, including social enterprises working for society
International Relations
Exploiting Potentials of Social Enterprises through Standardized European Evaluation and Development System
Mészáros Anna
Tel: +3613122213
Email: meszaros.anna@ifka.hu
Date of Project End:September 30, 2022
Participant:Social enterprises
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