Strengthening Social Entrepreneurial Landscape through involving socially responsible corporate Practices in EntrepreNeurial CompetenceS and Skills enhancement in the DANUBE region
Social enterprises (SEs) are important drivers for inclusive growth and play key role in tackling current economic, environmental and societal challenges. However, examples of missing policy and legal frameworks, social investment markets and social entrepreneurship education are very common.
Motivated by the above challenge, the SENSES project aims to create a transnational network of social enterprises (SEs), socially responsible traditional businesses, (social) financial investors, policy-makers, academia, NGO practitioners composed by 600-800 members in total in the Danube region which will jointly promote an innovative social enterprise model as well as social innovation for the sustainable economic development of the Danube region.
SENSES, bringing together a partnership of dynamic and collaborative international environment of 8 Danube region partner countries and 5 associated strategic partners from Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Moldova and Belgium show divers picture of low viability of business models of existing social enterprises, nascent social investors and investment markets, mainly probono and donation-based SE acceleration programmes and fragile relationships between SEs and market actors.
As main achievement of project partners, 60 hours long digital (e-learning) material co-developed and co-designed by all partners will be created including theoretical economics, management, marketing, HR as well as sales management modules together with personalized mentoring and coaching led by CSR corporate representatives as a practice-driven “blended learning experience” for social enterprises in the Danube region.
Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).
The official project webpage is available here .