International relations archive


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FFWD Fast Forward Europe is an initiative supported under the INTERREG EUROPE Programme that is designed to ensure competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (abbreviated as SMEs).
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Enhancing social enterprises competitiveness through improved business support policies
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Exploiting Potentials of Social Enterprises through Standardized European Evaluation and Development System
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REBORN Embracing failure to encourage entrepreneurship and competitiveness
REBORN is a 48-month initiative supported under the INTERREG EUROPE Programme.
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Growing a Transnational Smart Community of Social Innovators for the Inclusive Development of Central Europe Social innovation initiatives can create products, services and models that answer to structural transformations of civic communities – but they ...
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Danube S3 Cluster
Transnational Cluster Cooperation active on Agro – food, based on Smart Specialization Approach in Danube region The project addresses the major territorial challenge of the Danube area – the unbalanced distribution of innovation performances between ...
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GREENIN - Desired Scenario on Green Public Procurement for Innovation GREENIN is a peer learning project, financed by the European Union`s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, led by FUNDECYT-PCTEX and implemented in collaboration with European ...
International Relations - archive
Expansion of the CIRcular Economy concept in the Central Europe local productive districts
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Danube regions and cities face major societal transitions regarding demographic change. The rural exodus is caused by better employment opportunities for the youth and the prospect of a better life in cities. The movement of labor leads to depopulated ...
International Relations - archive
Leveraging Finance 4 positive Social Change Social entrepreneurship (SE) has become increasingly relevant in today’s economic setting as social changes have mounted,(World Economic Forum, 2017) while at the same time, public funds in many countries are ...
International Relations - archive
Strengthening Social Entrepreneurial Landscape through involving socially responsible corporate Practices in EntrepreNeurial CompetenceS and Skills enhancement in the DANUBE region Social enterprises (SEs) are important drivers for inclusive growth and ...
International Relations - archive
Leveraging Finance 4 positive Social Change Social entrepreneurship (SE) has become increasingly relevant in today’s economic setting as social changes have mounted,(World Economic Forum, 2017) while at the same time, public funds in many countries are ...
International Relations - archive
Embracing failure to facilitate second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube region Business entry and exit are natural processes that are inherent to European economic life. In fact, 50% of enterprises do not survive the first 5 years of their life, ...
International Relations - archive
TRIS – Transition regions towards Industrial Symbiosis
TRIS addresses the challenge of a systemic uptake of industrial symbiosis in European regions as a means to sustainable growth increasing SMEs competitiveness and resilience and preventing industrial waste production.
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Pioneers into Practice
Pioneers into Practice programme’s aim is to boost the low carbon economy and shape the European economy.
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Hulladékos vetélkedő és játszóház kisiskolásoknak. A környezetvédelem témaköre szorosan összefonódik a jövő generációkkal. Ezt a "fenntartható fejlődés" fejezi ki leginkább, hisz olyan fejlődést jelent, amely kielégíti a jelen szükségleteit, anélkül, ...
International Relations - archive
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs - Entrepreneuship is a Woman
coming soon...
International Relations - archive
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs - Entrepreneuship is a Woman
Innovatív munkaerőpiaci eszközök a tartós munkanélküliség által fenyegetett csoportok integrációjában A PROJEKT CÉLJA: A projekt fő célja a hátrányos helyzetű, tartós munkanélküliség által fenyegetett csoportok munkaerőpiaci integrációja innovatív munkaerőpiaci ...
International Relations - archive
Analysing and fostering industrial symbiotic relations in Hungarian energy producing and building sector
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EUR-IS – Industrial Symbiosis in Europe's Regions
Climate-KIC Pathfinder
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Industrial Symbiosis as an Innovative Method in Tackling Climate Change
ISIM-TCC – Industrial Symbiosis as an Innovative Method in Tackling Climate Change LIFE+ Environment.
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REPROWIS - Study of application industrial symbiosis (IS) as a tool to reduce waste production in conditions
HUSK 0901/2.1.2/0193 Magyarország-Szlovákia Határon Átnyúló Együttműködési Program.
International Relations - archive
DelFin Project
DelFin Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship in Rural regions European rural regions are facing several societal challanges, social innovation becomes more important for developing solutions that are sustainable. There is a clear need to adapt business ...
International Relations - archive
Social Innovation Plus (SI Plus)
Social Innovation Plus – Competence Centres (SI PLUS) A társadalmi innováció fogalmával egyre több helyen találkozhattunk az elmúlt években, és bár a koncepció maga egyáltalán nem újdonság, napjainkban a fogalom egyre nagyobb jelentőséggel bír. A társadalmi ...
International Relations - archive
D-CARE A Duna régió országait is érintő demográfiai változások kihívást jelentenek a fennálló egészségügyi és szociális rendszer számára. E kihívásokkal szembesülve az érintett országoknak célszerű kihasználniuk az innovatív tanulási módszerekben rejlő ...
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